Female students working on a computer

Track & Field April 19 - May 14

The Track & Field Intramural season will be April 19 - May 14. Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45 - 5:45. Our students will be hybrid, but will be required to go home after school and then return for practice. No transportation will be provided to and from practices.

Things you must turn in before you can attend practice:


  • Sports Physical - these are good for two years
  • Athletic Registration Packet


Paperwork can be found on the NAMS Athletics webpage or picked up from the envelopes posted by the front doors of Neil Armstrong. The completed forms can be turned in to the NAMS main office or emailed to Laura Jackson at [email protected].


Things to know before attending practice:

- You must have all paperwork turned in prior to attending practice.

- Locker rooms will be closed.  Come to practice ready to play.

- A mask that covers your mouth and nose is to be worn at all times.

- Dress for the weather.

- Bring a filled water bottle (water fountains are closed).

- Bathrooms will be open only for emergencies.

- Spectators will not be allowed.  Families must stay in their vehicle if they are on campus.

- Athletes will meet our coaching staff on the track at practice time.

- Stay 6 feet from others.

- Use hand sanitizer on arrival, at departure, and when directed by your coach.